Ahlers Meals (Food) in Vandalia
Full information about Ahlers Meals in Vandalia: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Ahlers Meals on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Ahlers Meals:
Ahlers Meals opening hours:
M-F 8am-4pm
EditReviews about Ahlers Meals:
About Ahlers Meals:
Ahlers Meals is a private, locally owned certified meal provider based in Vandalia, OH. We offer over two-hundred healthy and nutritious meal options, both frozen and shelf-stable from trusted and recognized providers. In our meal program consumers can make their own meal choices every week. Our meals are home-delivered free of charge to most Medicaid and Developmentally Disabled recipients who qualify through insurance benefits and government assistance throughout greater Cincinnati and Dayton, OH, as well as those over the age of sixty. We can also arrange private payment delivery for those who do not otherwise meet qualifications. Once you have been confirmed to receive meals, our intake specialist will discuss your meal preferences and set up your scheduled weekly delivery day. We also offer dog or cat food bi-monthly and free of charge to our consumers. Our address is 3620 Lightner Road, Vandalia, OH 45377. Contact Ahlers Meals today.
EditFood nearest to Ahlers Meals:
Boston Stoker Vandalia, Food; 10855 Engle Rd, Vandalia, OH, 45402; (937) 890-6401